A Godly legacy is built on the foundation of God’s word and is nurtured by living the principles and values of the Christian faith. One begins such a life by following Jesus, becoming like Him from discipleship in God’s word, and continually communicating with Him in prayer. This is the life Freeda Bowers sought to live. She not only leaves a Christian legacy for her family, loved ones, and future generations, but her legacy through Christian leadership and her love of prayer carries a timeless impact that will affect lives around the world.
Freeda's Life
Freeda received Jesus into her heart as a young girl. Growing up timid and shy, her grandmother mentored her to “call on the name of Jesus” whenever she was afraid. Those words took root in her young soul. Over the years, that love of communing with God in prayer became her way of life. Throughout her life, prayer was part of the fabric of her daily walk with the Lord and was the source of inner strength she relied upon. She loved to pray and welcomed every opportunity to teach others about the power of effective prayer.
Freeda’s Leadership
Freeda cared for serving others in ministry. Many years of her ministry found expression in SuperChannel WACX-TV, the Christian television ministry her husband, Claud, and she founded together in 1978. During the early days of SuperChannel Ministry, her reliance on prayer brought a confidence to move in faith to do God’s will.
Freeda’s Legacy
Freeda’s legacy has many dimensions that are treasured by her family and those impacted by her life and ministry. In the early days of the television ministry, at a time when Freeda was stumbling under the pressures of life and battling debilitating fear and anxiety, God revealed Himself to her at a specific place and moment with a Word that marked her life forever. This encounter is where her legacy started. In this visitation, God revealed to Freeda a specific number and strategy that immediately reshaped her life. It is this moment with God and its unfolding events that are detailed in her legacy 40-day devotional book/journal entitled Give Me 40 Days. Although Freeda is now with Jesus and has heard the words “Well done, good and faithful servant”, the message she loved to share continues to ring true and powerful for us today and is available in a special Legacy Package. In her landmark book, Freeda guides the reader on a daily journey of prayer, insight, and God’s direction in ways perhaps never thought possible. Freeda teaches that God will use the ordinary things of everyday life to work wonders and change lives if we will only believe. In Give Me 40 Days, Freeda invites you to “taste and see” that the Lord IS good!
SuperChannel is pleased to offer this one-time Legacy Collection of Give Me 40 Days PLUS two additional easy-to-read booklets by Freeda: Secrets to Prevailing Prayer and Where is Your Heart? and a commemorative bookmark for a donation of $25.40 or more. (Limit one Legacy Collection per donation.)
Give Me 40 Days
Give Me 40 Days is a classic devotional designed to help readers
understand how they can build a deeper connection with Jesus in every area of their lives. This timeless devotional and journal will help you put everything in your life (marriage, children, finances, hopes and dreams) in divine order. The journal pages are filled with interactive ways to make a daily connection with God. Her life-changing messages on prayer, along with her personal experiences, have brought revelation, healing, hope, and joy to multitudes. Freeda’s understanding of prayer brought peace, answered prayer, and satisfaction to her life and can do the same for you!
Secrets to Prevailing Prayer
King David prayed prayers that prevailed against tremendous obstacles, and he is the only person recorded in scripture to have the heart of God. What did David know that perhaps we have missed? In Secrets to Prevailing Prayer, Freeda shares five significant prayer keys to help equip you to overcome the
Goliaths in your life.
Where is Your Heart?
The book of Proverbs instructs us to “keep the heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” But how do you that? How do you keep your heart with diligence? In this booklet, Freeda answers these and other important questions concerning how to have a heart that is pure and acceptable before God. Having a perfected heart before the Lord does not come without a determined working of discipline. Learn how to fine tune your heart to be all
that God longs for it to be.
Freeda’s Legacy Today
Every legacy lays the groundwork for future generations, so what is Freeda’s legacy today? Freeda traveled the world sharing her insights on prayer based on scripture and how to hear from God. Through the years thousands have traveled that same 40-day devotional journey. Wonderful testimonies have been received, sharing how individual lives have been transformed by Freeda’s insight into the topic of prayer.
If Freeda’s legacy has inspired you, here’s how you can be a part of what she began.
Place your order today for Freeda’s Legacy Collection for a donation of $25.40 or more and receive the following by Freeda Bowers:
• Give Me 40 Days
• Secrets to Prevailing Prayer
• Where Is Your Heart?
Commemorative bookmark included
• To order by phone, call 407-788-4580
• To order by mail, send $25.40 to:
P.O. Box 608040
Orlando, FL 32860